Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ducks & Dinner @ RIO

Our weekly "Ducks & Dinner" event has been growing by leaps and bounds! We try to make a playdate at the park first for about an hour, or walk around the lake, feeding the "ducks" (they're mostly geese, but what do the kids know)! Many of our working moms, or moms who are scheduling naps, come at 5.15 to make dinner only.

California Pizza Kitchen was VERY accomodating of us this week ~ 17 moms, 17 kids - (13 highchairs)!!! They had two large tables ready to go when we arrived.

Lots of new mommies came out for their first event, and it's also nice seeing now "familiar, friendly faces". Many of us have become fast friends in just the few short months that the group has been going.

Our waiter was one of the best! He got all the kids meals taken care of immediately, and then took our order. As a mom you sure appreciate getting your kid(s) fed first, so that when your food arrives, you can actually eat it!! The fact that he then gave us all individual checks, and included the gratuity is SOOOO HELPFUL! Who do you know with two toddlers that has the brain power left to figure out her portion of the check, and figure out what the tip should be??

If you are a mom in the Montgomery County area of MD, and you'd like to join us for a fun evening, please take a look at our group here.

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